Dr. Eva Willi-Krausgruber
Expert for systemic and hypnosystemic business consulting, brand development, brand implementation and coaching with many years of national and international experience. Since 2000 head of the systemic business consultancy e»communication network, Wien, now ec»partners. Numerous consultancy-, brand development- and –implementation projects in regions such as Wienerwald, Waldviertel, Wr. Alpen, Schilcherland, Alpbachtal and Bayerischer Wald as well as long standing experience in coaching and consultancy with organizations and businesses. Certified member of the European Coaching Association. Qualified at Advanced Level as systemic coach and Master Consultant at Expert Level
Brand development and management in tourism as well as other service industries. Long term experience as media and brand manager for ORF-Enterprise and in the PR and brand communication for companies such as Mc Donalds, Coca-Cola, Manner, Wella and Media Market. Active as systemic Flying Coach for businesses.
Eva Willi-Krausgruber has lectured at Austrian universities and higher education institutes in the fields of tourism, branding, marketing and public relations. Since March 2014 she holds seminars in Special Interest Public Relation at the Vienna University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
Born and educated in Vienna, graduate of the Music Grammar School. Studied law – emphasis on copyright and trademark law. Also studied music – cello and soloist –
at Vienna University. Graduate of the diploma programme Magazine Publishing at New York University, USA; 1994 trained as systemic consultant at the Heidelberg Institute für Systemic Research; and later as hypnosystemic coach, 2014, certificate course in Vienna und Masterclass Dr. Jeff Zeig, Milton Erickson Foundation, USA.
Before she founded the e»communication network, 2000 in Vienna, Eva Willi-Krausgruber worked as media manager at Manz-Publishing Vienna, was employed to draft a study and lead an information campaign on the theme „EU“ by ABB-Austria; was manager of the licensing department of ORF-Enterprise and senior consultant in the PR and lobby agency Publico, now Ketchum Publico. She also worked as media consultant, career coach and journalist in New York.